
To my knowledge there was no "grandfather period" awarded.  My 900 repeater
is located in the penthouse of a 19-floor geriatrics housing building in
Joliet, and they made us move all transmitters out of the elevator equipment
room about 2 years ago, including the Sheriff, Joliet PD and FD, and all
amateur equipment.

I can't explain why it hasn't been address at the location you are
questioning, but if I were you. I'd bring it to the attention of the
building's management - before you ALL get cited.

Mark - N9WYS

-----Original Message-----
From: On Behalf Of George Henry

Interesting...  I wonder if existing equipment was grandfathered here in 
Illinois, or if the building where one of our machines is located is 
ignoring it.  When accessing the roof thru the elevator machine room 
recently to do some maintenance on our antennas, I spotted 2 repeaters 
belonging to the site owner; one each for the Sheriff (labeled "backup"), 
local PD, and local FD, as well as another unmarked VHF (judging from the 
size of the attached cans) repeater in another corner.  There's also 
network, PBX, and telco punchdown blocks galore up there.  And the door to 
the other elevator machine room nearby has a cellular system warning sign on


George, KA3HSW / WQGJ413

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