I have 65w out of the duplexer on 2m.  A friend has a 
rg214 jumper for me so I think I will use it.

On Thu, 01 Nov 2007 13:14:00 -0700
  Mike Morris WA6ILQ <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> At 07:01 AM 11/01/07, you wrote:
>>Any suggestions on what to use for a jumper between the
>>Heliax and the antenna for the last few feet to provide
>>flexability and make it easier to get the cable into the
>>antenna mount?
> What's the power level?
> At 100w or less I use RG-400.
> At higher levels I use RG-393 (but it's not as easy to 
>find as RG214).
> Yes, the 393 is 5db per 100 feet at UHF but we're 
>talking short jumpers.
> See 
> and 
> <http://www.tessco.com/products/displayProductInfo.do?sku=57757&eventPage=1>
> or <http://www.cambridge-tec.com/wire/rg393.htm>

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