
From: Repeater-Builder@yahoogroups.com
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Paul Plack
Sent: Thursday, November 01, 2007 5:47 PM
To: Repeater-Builder@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [Repeater-Builder]Calculating required T/R isolation


Thanks, Gary, agreed. Unfortunately, when dealing with spacings as close as
they are on 10M, (100 kHz splits,) I think the carrier of the tranmitter
itself, let alone sideband noise, will prove daunting to isolate using
selectivity alone. In your hypothetical example, I'd need a 10M receiver
that could handle a watt (20 dB down from a 100-watt transmitter) coming in
100 kHz below the intended .2 uV (or whatever) user signal. The tuned
circuits needed to pull this off would be tough to build without lots of
insertion loss.


..It is done every day. That's what the cavity filters are for. The high Q
gives a sharp notch at one frequency while effecting adjacent frequencies
little. This is not possible with lower Q type circuits. That's why large
cans are used.



At first it looks do-able...given equivalent circuit Q, 100 kHz at 29 MHz is
no harder than 500 kHz splits at 146 MHz, and we know that's possible.
However, a 5 kHz deviation NFM signal at 29 MHz is five times as wide
expressed in percent of frequency, making sidebands a much bigger issue.


..Modulation side bands have nothing to do with it. It is the transmitter
white noise that is the concern.

The traditional tuned-circuit approach to isolation becomes less and less
effective as frequencies converge, requiring increasing insertion losses to
provide the needed isolation.

Using a phasing/balance approach, the isolation actually increases as the
frequencies converge, and reaches maximum when the receiver and transmitter
are on the same frequency.

For example, if I can make this work real-world, and colinear radiating
elements are fed equal power exactly 180 degrees out of phase at 29.62 MHz,
transmitter sideband noise on 29.52 will still be 174 degrees out of phase,
maintaining an extremely good null.


.. Good luck with that one.

The big guys in the antenna world have made lots of money over the years
offering "downtilt" options, because the nulls on colinear arrays can become
so deep mobiles can't be heard close-in when they're transmitting dead-on
the repeater's intended receive frequency. All I need to do is turn that
coverage hole "problem" around, optimize for it, and it becomes an isolation


..That's what is commonly done with vertical spacing of antennas. The
greatest null is at the top and bottom of the antenna. However stray
coupling gets in the way of perfect isolation which you usually don't have
control over.



Gary  K4FMX

73, Paul AE4KR


----- Original Message ----- 

From: Gary Schafer <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

To: Repeater-Builder@yahoogroups.com 

Sent: Thursday, November 01, 2007 2:23 PM

Subject: RE: [Repeater-Builder] Re: Calculating required T/R isolation


Hi Paul,

I meant that it was not complicated to figure out. 

For example if the receiver noise floor (sensitivity) is -120 dbm then the
transmitter noise power must be known at the receive frequency (as supplied
from the manufacturer or measured) and an amount of attenuation added at the
transmitter via cavity filters to bring that noise power down below the -120
dbm receiver noise floor.

 If the transmitter generated -40 dbm of noise power on the receive
frequency then you would need 80 db of attenuation in the transmitter line
to limit the noise seen at the receiver to -120 dbm. That's all there is to
it on that side.

On the receiver side you must know at what level the receiver begins to go
into compression and cause desense at the transmit frequency. You get that
from the receiver manufacturer or you measure it. You then add attenuation
in the receive line to attenuate the power of the transmitter carrier to a
level below that point. For example, 100 watts of transmitter power is +50
dbm. If the receiver can handle only -30 dbm at the transmit frequency
before desense starts then you need 80 db of filtering of the carrier in the
receive line to reduce the carrier to -30 dbm at the receiver front end. Not
complicated, you just need to know what the transmitter and receiver
capabilities are.

As a note, if you are measuring transmitter noise power with a spectrum
analyzer you will probably need to place a notch filter at the input of the
spectrum analyzer to reduce the transmitter carrier or the spectrum analyzer
will overload and give a false reading. A 100 watt carrier is +50 dbm. If
you are trying to look at noise at the -40 dbm level that is a 90 db range.
Many analyzers do not have that kind of dynamic range and will overload from
the carrier level. A notch filter that knocks the carrier down say 30 db
then allows the analyzer to operate in a 60 db range. Some analyzers may not
even be happy with that level especially those in service monitors so you
will need more than 30 db of notch filtering for the carrier. 

Be careful with close spacing like at vhf (600 KHz) so that you don't also
attenuate the noise power at the frequency you are trying to measure.


Gary  K4FMX


From: Repeater-Builder@yahoogroups.com
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Paul Plack
Sent: Thursday, November 01, 2007 1:31 PM
To: Repeater-Builder@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [Repeater-Builder] Re: Calculating required T/R isolation


I appreciate the comments, and agree with all but one. If transmitter
sideband noise, filter skirts and dynamic range can all be represented by
numbers, then they should be able to be distilled down to a formula. A
complicated one, to be sure, but nothing "magic." Those
isolation-vs-separation charts date back almost a half-century and were
probably created with a combination of direct measurement and sliderules.

Today we have Excel and NEC. With an accurate enough model, even stray
coupling can be approximated. Or, at least I'm gonna try!

Most repeater antennas are chosen for gain and pattern and off-the-shelf
availability, with an eye toward maxmizing gain at the horizon within
budgets of money and tower space. All the "rules of thumb" are based in
those priorities.

My thought is that on low band, gain is limited by available tower space, so
I'll shift my priority into reducing tower coupling first, optimizing gain
and pattern second. If I can get 110 dB of isolation, 2 dBd gain at the
horizon, a reasonable radiation pattern that's well-matched between transmit
and receive, and a design that's both reproduceable and mechanically
practical, it's a step forward.

I'm quickly concluding that I'll need to model the antennas first, test to
see if the model is accurate, then look for radios to fit. I'll let you know
how I make out!

73, Paul AE4KR

----- Original Message ----- 

There is no magic formula. The curves given by the duplexer manufacturers
are "typical" for radios like Motorola and GE...

...Receiver desense is a function of how much overload the first mixer can
handle. In off frequency operation as in a duplex situation it is affected
by the mixer capability itself, front end filter rejection capability and
the preamp if one is used...

...Broadband noise is a function of how clean the transmitter is...

...Both of these specs are provided by the radio manufacturers of better
radios. They will give that info at certain frequency separations.

The charts that show antenna isolation with vertical separation are for
antennas exactly in line with each other. Substituting a gain antenna for a
dipole usually won't degrade isolation. A gain antenna will have a deeper
null in the vertical direction in most cases. Isolation figures can vary
with types of installation from stray coupling.

Low band is a problem as it takes more separation to get the same isolation
as vhf gives you.


Gary  K4FMX 


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