There is no magic formula. The curves given by the duplexer manufacturers
are "typical" for radios like Motorola and GE.


Duplexer isolation requirements have little if anything to do with "adjacent
channel" receiver selectivity. That number only tells you how strong the
neighboring frequency can be and not affect the one you want to hear.


You are correct that receiver desense happens in the front end of the
receiver and not in the IF stage. Receiver desense is a function of how much
overload the first mixer can handle. In off frequency operation as in a
duplex situation it is affected by the mixer capability itself, front end
filter rejection capability and the preamp if one is used.


Broadband noise is a function of how clean the transmitter is.

Both of these specs are provided by the radio manufacturers of better
radios. They will give that info at certain frequency separations.


You can measure how much the receiver is affected by watching the limiter
current in the receiver. Inject a low level signal which will produce a
small amount of limiter current. If the current goes down when the
transmitter is turned on it is the transmitter carrier causing desense in
the front end. If the limiter current increases it is broad band noise
causing the problem.

Of course you could have both things going on at the same time. Each has to
be sorted out separately by adding filters to either the transmitter or


I see lots of guys worrying about turning down the transmitter power on a
repeater to avoid desense. That should make little if any difference if
things are set up right. Going from 100 watts to 25 watts is only 6 db of
difference. Rarely are you that close with duplexer rejection capabilities.
Transmitter noise may change when drive is reduced or it may not. Depending
on how the power is controlled.


Also many people think that "the more duplexer isolation you have the
better." In fact any more than "enough" is a waste as it does nothing for
you but drain your wallet. 


The charts that show antenna isolation with vertical separation are for
antennas exactly in line with each other. Substituting a gain antenna for a
dipole usually won't degrade isolation. A gain antenna will have a deeper
null in the vertical direction in most cases. Isolation figures can vary
with types of installation from stray coupling.


Low band is a problem as it takes more separation to get the same isolation
as vhf gives you.



Gary  K4FMX





[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Paul Plack
Sent: Wednesday, October 31, 2007 10:31 PM
Subject: [Repeater-Builder] Re: Calculating required T/R isolation


Guys, thanks for the suggestions.


The duplexer manufacturer websites have scant info. TX-RX Systems has two
graphs, one for VHF high band, one for UHF, but no info on the assumptions
behind the math.


I'm skeptical about the usefulness of receiver adjacent-channel rejection
specs, for two reasons: (1) They include IF filtering, and desense happens
due to compression in mixer stages ahead of the IF, and (2) some filters
have poorer rejection out a couple hundred kHz than they do on the adjacent


I think what I'd need for a generic formula would be a way to account for
the dynamic range of the receiver front end, which is often spec'd as the
range limited by 1 dB compression in the first mixer, and I'd need accurate
sideband noise numbers for the transmitter.


I don't know what receiver or transmitter I'd use at this point. My former
repeater was a converted Mastr II mobile on UHF, with a TX-RX Systems 4-can,
and appeared to have plenty of reserve at -96+ dB on each side, 5 MHz
spacing, and dialed back to 18 watts out (just above where it started
getting "dirty" at QRP.)


What I'm working on now is an antenna designed with minimum tower coupling
as its first priority, preserving the deep null which naturally occurs
between vertical colinear arrays sharing a common vertical axis.


I've been bugged for decades by that ARRL graph showing dB isolation at
given vertical separations. Like the TX-RX website graphs, there's no
explanation of how it was derived. It assumes half-wave dipoles for both
antennas, but indicates no correction factor is required for gain antennas,
and that makes no sense.


Now that we have software which can accurately model antennas on towers, I'm
going to actually model my antenna idea on a virtual tower, and see what
happens. The goal is to potentially allow 6M or even 10M single-site
repeaters using separate antennas for transmit and receive. 


(I know, I know...the holy grail.)


It's going to be lots of work to model and test it, so I'm trying to do
calculations applicable to a number of end-user configurations, not just one
specific TX / RX set I might personally use. I'd love to set up a
spreadsheet that accounted for all the necessary factors, and contribute it
to the web site.


If I actually build the repeater itself, I have two 100-watt-class Johnson
mobiles on low band / low split, retired from service in the broadcast RPU
band. (They're crystalled and tuned for 26-point-something, where radio
stations did linking for remote broadcasts before CB-ers discovered VFOs.)
They're nice, clean old rockbound rigs. I also have some monster surplus
heatsinks, a clean Astron RS35RM, and I still have the 7K.


I may yet talk myself into building another repeater. For all the hassles,
it sure was educational and fun!




Paul AE4KR



----- Original Message ----- 

From: Nate Duehr <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  


Sent: Wednesday, October 31, 2007 4:22 PM

Subject: Re: [Repeater-Builder] Calculating required T/R isolation


Paul Plack wrote:
> Guys, sorry for this repeat - my first attempt at a post to the list 
> went out with an off-topic subject line related to Kenwood repeaters.
> Can anyone direct me to a good tutorial on how to calculate required 
> isolation in a duplexer or separate-antenna setup? I can convert 
> receiver sensitivity in uV and transmitter power in watts to dBm, and 
> insert things like transmitter sideband noise specs, but I keep coming 
> up with numbers like 150 dB to avoid desense.
> Since my last UHF repeater worked great with 96 dB measured 
> isolation thru the duplexer, I know I'm missing a step somewhere.
> Thanks! - 73, Paul AE4KR

Did you see K5BP Bernie's reply under the original topic?

He had it right -- you likely forgot to subtract out your particular 
receiver's off-channel selectivity numbers.

How much does the receiver you're planning to use reject off-frequency 
signals by design? Subtract that from your duplexer numbers.

You'll also probably want to factor in how a receive pre-amp and 
possibly additional receive-side bandpass filtering figure into the 
equation if you're using a highly selective/non-sensitive receiver if 
and if you're going for maximum receive performance.

Nate WY0X


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