Joe wrote:
> I'm slowly going through all my repeater stuff here and have a problem 
> with the 100 watt UHF PA PL19d424895g32.  No output.  I checked the 
> exciter into another identical PA and it works fine.  Drive is a little 
> low, 100mw, but it drives the other identical amp just fine.  The bad PA 
> draws 5 amps when keyed, the power control pot varies this current from 
> 0-5 amps.  No output out of the PA.  This was a working repeater that is 
> being tested on it's original frequency of a 45/1456Mhz split.  No parts 
> look burned or discolored.  The straps between the boards look fine, no 
> cracks.  I touched them up with and iron anyway just to check.  My first 
> thought is to check the output of the 40watt stage.
> Any words of wisdom before I tear into this beast?  Any ideas?  I seems 
> to remember reading about a UHF PA common problem but can't find it in 
> any of the reflector archive messages.

Here are two articles to help:

The URL for the second link is broken from the index page, the one above 
is the one that works.


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