Paul, I think where the problem with your measurements comes up is that your 41 
inches of RG-8 is close to 3/4 wave at 2 meters, not 1/2 wave.  Taking a rough 
estimate of 19 inches for a quarter wave on 2 meters (the approximate length of 
your quarter wave ground plane vertical element) you would have 38 inches as a 
half wave.  RF traveling in coax does not travel at the velocity of light, it 
is slowed by the dialectric material in the coax.  The velocity factor of RG-8 
is probably near .66, so your half wave of RG-8 coax would be close to 24 
inches, not the 41 inches you quote.  The extra 17 inches of coax is more than 
an additional 1/4 wavelength, considering that the .66 velocity factor is still 
in play.

Analyzing your coax, the first half wave (24 inches) looks like a short and the 
remaining quarter wave looks like an open circuit - thus giving you your 
measured results. (no apreciable change to the load impedance you are feeding)  
Odd multiples of that quarter wave gives you the open circuit when the far end 
of the coax is shorted.

If you have access to a wide frequency range antenna analyzer, hook your coax 
(shorted on the far end) to the analyzer and find the lowest frequency that 
shows a minimum resistance and minimum reactance.  That is the frequency that 
your coax is a half wavelength.  This takes in account the connector you would 
connect to your Tee and the velocity factor of the coax.

Analysis shows that a shorted stub that is 1/2 wavelength long (electrically, 
taking into account the velocity factor) shows a short at the far end.

Analysis shows that a shorted stub that is 1/4 wavelength long (electrically, 
taking into account the velocity factor) shows an open circuit at the far end. 

I hope this clarifies some of your concerns.

73 - Jim  W5ZIT

Paul Plack <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:                                  
I'm posting this with all due respect to those who disagreed  with an earlier 
post, and in the hopes of discovering any error I might be  perpetuating.

A few weeks ago, a member of the group  was asking for help with interference 
on the input of a 900-MHz ham repeater  from a co-located FM broadcast station. 
Among the possible remedies discussed  were coaxial stub filters on the 
receiver's transmission line. One of the  initial proposals was an open, 
1/4-wave stub tuned for the FM broadcast  frequency, fed on a coaxial 
T-connector. This is, indeed, a common method to  "trap" a particular frequency.

I set forth that this  wouldn't work, as the desired pass frequency was too 
near the 9th harmonic of  the trap, which means it, too, would be attenuated. 
(These traps are VERY wide  when fed on a T-connector, and work at all odd 
harmonics of the  fundamental.) The open 1/4-wave coax trap, sometimes called a 
"suck-out trap,"  is best suited to a case in which the reject frequency is at 
least double the  desired pass frequency, to avoid attenuation of the operating 
frequency  itself.

I proposed that better success might be  achieved with a shorted, 1/2-wave stub 
tuned for the 900 MHz receive frequency,  which would be nearly invisible at 
the 900 MHz pass frequency, but provide 20+  dB of attenuation at most 
frequencies below about 450 MHz. I did this based on  experience not only using 
such shorted traps, but also after much past  experimentation with my Wavetek 
sweep generator.

Two  subsequent posts took issue with my suggestion. One, from a member 
claiming  engineering credentials, suggested my trap would appear as a "dead 
short" on the  operating frequency, and that a shorted quarter-wave trap was 
the correct  method. No supporting theory was offered.

Another post suggested that a shorted 3/4-wave trap was correct, based on  
recollection of an instructor's comment.

I've built  and used several of these 1/2-wave traps, but it's been a few 
years, and I  didn't want to dispute these comments until I'd gone back and 
made some actual  measurements. I'd drop the matter, but this is too useful a 
technique to have it  discredited unfairly.

I still have the sweep  generator, but not a scope, so I put my MFJ 259B 
analyzer, a 50-ohm dummy load,  and a 41-inch piece of RG-8M (1/2-wave cut for 
2m) on a T connector and look at  SWR and impedance.

Here are the resulting  measurements of resistance, reactance, and SWR:

146.15 MHz (Shorted 1/2-wave): R=47, X=2, SWR=1.0 (Virtually unchanged  from 
the dummy load alone)
73.08 MHz (Shorted 1/4-wave): R=23, X=20, SWR=2.4  (Z= about 31 ohms)
73.08 MHz (Open 1/4-wave): R=25, X=26, SWR=2.7 (Z= about  38 ohms)
146.15 MHz (Open 1/2-wave): R=3, X=1, SWR=12.0 (Z= about 3  ohms)

152.8 MHz (Open 1/2-wave): R=2, X=8, SWR=21.1  (Z= about 9 ohms. Note: This was 
the SWR peak, higher in frequency than the  "shorted" frequency in part because 
the braid was folded back, instead of  connected to the tip of the center 

The  readings at 146.15 MHz, coax shorted, were nearly identical with my 2m 
ground  plane attached in place of the dummy load.

Note that  the only arrangement which looks like a "dead short" is the open 
1/2-wave  stub.

The bandwidth of the shorted 1/2-wave trap on  the dummy load was about 12 MHz 
for and SWR of 1.2 or less on 2m. Note that this  trap would be plenty wide for 
use on the antenna side of a duplexer. (The  corresponding 900 MHz version 
would theoretically be 45+ MHz wide given the same  Q.) It also puts the 
feedline at DC ground, and serves as a crude high-pass  filter below its 
fundamental frequency.

It was  explained to me by a cavity guru who first showed me this trick that 
the  reflected energy in the shorted section returns to the T-connector at 
near-equal  amplitude, and in phase, with the original signal. If the coax was 
lossless and  the connectors perfect, the impedance of the stub at the pass 
frequency would be  infinite, making it truly invisible in the system.

In  short, (no pun intended,) these measurements look just like what I've seen 
for  years on my sweep gen. If you can demonstrate where I'm wrong here, based 
on  actual data, please elaborate. If you're not sure, please cut one yourself 
and  measure it.

Paul, AE4KR

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