
I think you need to know the following:

The receiver is in the bottom of the unified chassis. It has a BNC connector, you should find that on the left hand side facing from the rear. The "un-labled" N (F) connector by the silver box is the transmitter output. Commercial repeaters are High In / Low Out, so should be 469.050 / 464.050. Likley there is also a PL or DPL element in both the Rx and Tx strips unless it is a CR backplane, then you will have the PL and/or DPL 4 user card and master decoder card. And, to answer your important questions, yes it should go down to the 440 ham band. Make sure it works on its present frequency and record how well, i.e., transmit power, recieve sense, etc... then follow the instructions on the repeater builder page for conversion.
Good luck,


Big Snip

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