Ahh... that magic Busy Channel Lock-out feature that never 
seemed to be available, enabled or programmed on. 

In days of old ("when knights were bold") you'd have one or 
two guys on the frequency with high powered base stations 
and no desire to share the frequency. After a few "butt-head" 
events with the other co-channel users they'd simply jam the 
co-channel users off the channel whenever they wanted to talk 
on their respective repeater. We used to call them the "channel 
master types".... 

Tone Panels started to include the repeater user "hog timer" 
functions and various lock out for overtime features. All these 
cure-all bells and whistle features never seemed to actually 
make it into service.

Thank god the trunking format arrived to provide a much 
needed measure of breathing room. 


> I have two Kenwood Community Repeaters, one on UHF and the 
> other on VHF. The thing that makes them a community repeater 
> is they have a multi user CTCSS or Digital Tone Panel and 
> each user/customer is assigned a tone. 

> The newer mobile units and portables are set up for BUSY 
> CHANNEL LOCK OUT, which means that if a user goes to use 
> the repeater when another user is on the air, the mobile 
> unit or the user waiting will get a tone/flashing light 
> to indicate that the channel is busy and it prevents 
> someone from cutting in on an on-going conversation. 

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