
Chill out...take a pill, hi.

The 3 V p-p is for the 8870/8880 internal op-amp level.  Is it in stone?  No, 
but found to be good level.  This is not an input level to the circuit or IC, 
but is the internal op-amp output at pin 3 and what the internal parts of the 
IC is going to be decoding.

How one obtains this is another design issue.  The op-amp, as with any 
diff-amp, uses external resistors to set the gain.  Simple op-amp design.  
Based on a given controller or other input if the gain needed is 2 then select 
the 2 resistor values correctly...if gain of 100 needed do the same.  Again the 
3 V p-p on pin 3 is a good measure to go for and again pin 3 is not an input 
from the outside world.

I was responding to the post you sent to me and I made comments on it.  Sorry 
you took it so hard.

73, ron, n9ee/r

>From: Nate Duehr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Date: 2008/03/30 Sun AM 01:37:15 CDT
>Subject: Re: [Repeater-Builder] False DTMF Muting On CAT-1000 Controller

>Ron Wright wrote:
>> Nate,
>> I've been designing 8870s and 8880s in things for over 15 years.  Good chip 
>> and it has lasted.
>> Pin 3 is simply the output of the internal op-amp and using a feed back 
>> resistor to 2 and driving with another one can set the AC gain over a wide 
>> range.  The gain is feedback/driving resistor unless you wish to drive the 
>> non-inv input.  The 1/2 Vcc source, pin 4, was cleaver by Mitel to simply 
>> use with a single 5 V supply.
>> As to the other gain pins it is best not to use these for some other 
>> manufactures of the chip do not provide them.  California Micro Devices, 
>> probably one of the biggest manufacture, does not.  Really with the op-amp 
>> and allowing of adjusting its gain one does not really need these.
>> For the 8880 the analog input is the real easy part.  The CPU interface is 
>> much more difficult, but really simple design.  The only same pin out of the 
>> 8870 to 8880 is the input op-amp.  After that all changes.
>> I normally do away with the steering circuit for RC adjusting the 
>> attack/decay decode times.  I do both in software and tie pins 16 & 17 
>> together on 8870, 18 & 19 on 8880.  This give instant decode/release time, 
>> but use software for the timing.
>> As with any op-amp using a dif amp, as the 8870 & 8880 do, single ended or 
>> dif input can be done.
>> Looks like you cut and pasted your posting, hi.  Referred to figures not 
>> included.  Oh well.
>> 73, ron, n9ee/r
>Sorry I'm going to lose it here for a moment...
>What does any of this have to do with the original assertion that 3V 
>P-t-P is always right for a CONTROLLER, Ron?
>Drop the 8870/8880 debate.  The information WAS cut and pasted, because 
>it was directly from the datasheet for both devices.  I figured anyone 
>could find them with a Google search and read them.
>But I was letting you drag me down the rabbit hole anyway.  Let's go 
>back to the topic I asked about.
>You said 3V P-t-P is what you shoot for.
>I still assert that 3V P-t-P is... wait for it...
>No one talking about the a controllers is hooking their rigs directly to 
>the damn Mitel chip.
>Maybe 3V P-t-P is right for a CAT.  I don't know (nor care).
>  2V P-t-P
>  or 3V P-t-P
>  or 10V P-t-P...
>*** THAT is what they designed to and what should be used. ***
>What does the CAT manual say?
>If the performance sucks at that level, the manual is wrong, or the 
>controller is built wrong.  Either way, doesn't matter for sake of the 
>comment I was "correcting".
>The discussion went from why DTMF doesn't always decode on a CAT 
>controller properly...
>To a bunch of folks saying they usually lower the level going into their 
>CAT controllers...
>To me saying "if the controller is done right, that's not necessary"...
>To you talking about 3V P-t-P and it was worded in such a way as it 
>sounded like you meant ALL controllers want 3V P-t-P...
>To me saying the way you worded it made it sound like ALL controllers 
>want 3V P-t-P... and there's usually manufacturer recommendations for 
>setting such things properly in each controller.
>To us discussing the details of the Mitel 8870 and 8880...
>To us debating the details of how to put an 8870 or 8880 into a circuit!
>My point all the time has only been this:
>1. Feed your controller with what the MANUFACTURER recommends.
>2. If the controller doesn't decode well at the MANUFACTURER'S 
>RECOMMENDATION, then they didn't design it right or they're clueless 
>about their own decoder and their documentation is wrong.
>(NOT saying that about CAT... just saying it.)
>THAT'S ALL I was getting at.
>Maybe I should have just said...
>"My S-Coms when set to their recommended levels, don't false or do any 
>of that strange DTMF wonkyness!  Nyah nyah nyah!  Pbbbbt!"
>Hahahahahaha... there.  That better?  More like a regular Internet 
>mailing list, I suppose!
>(I was trying to avoid stooping to that level by instead pointing out 
>that there are standards for levels published in good controller 
>manuals.  And those levels aren't ALWAYS 3V P-t-P!)
>The first way was much less likely to cause a mailing list flame-fest!
>Oh well.  Flame away!  I'll take Bob and Virgil's audio/analog 
>engineering over a LOT of other things out there, any day of the week...
>So is the consensus that levels into a CAT have to be lower than what's 
>recommended, or what?  We never really got to the conclusion of that 
>part of the discussion... what's causing all the DTMF flakiness for the 
>original poster and other CAT owners that chimed in?
>I might find myself working on someone else's CAT someday (cough! 
>haha... I won't buy one!) and need to know!  (BIG GRIN)
>Nate WY0X

Ron Wright, N9EE
Owner 146.64 repeater Tampa Bay, FL
No tone, all are welcome.

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