I'm pretty sure all of the CAT controllers have one
pot to adjust the input level to the DTMF decoder. I'd
have to check each of the manuals to be 100% sure. It
doesn't need to be "cranked way down", but it does
need to be adjusted properly and by using a radio that
transmits DTMF at the right deviation level. RTFM;
it's in there.

Telephone networks, where DTMF was designed, are a lot
more forgiving, but the tone level is regulated a lot
better, typically 0dBm with voice levels at -20dBm.
Thus TelCo DTMF decoders can ignore soft stuff.

Amateur radio runs 3-5 kHz on voice and 3-5 kHz on
DTMF, so the decoder has a lot more work to do when
trying not to decode a valid digit with voice input.

Bob M.
--- skipp025 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> One possible/probable fix... 
> If there's a level pot (control) to the DTMF Decoder
> section 
> within the controller... crank it way down in value.
> The 
> combination of extra hot audio with other unwieldy
> events 
> confuse the decoder into false detection. 
> Like the famous political banner "it's the economy
> stupid".... 
> In your case "it's the audio level" 
> Now back to the economy... 
> cheers, 
> s. 
> ps: If there's no specific audio pot/control for the
> DTMF Decoder 
> you will/may need to reduce the main controller
> audio input or 
> mod the controller internal audio path circuit to
> reduce the 
> value sent to the decoder section to a more
> reasonable level. 
> I use a simple audio leveler circuit where required.
> > "Tony L." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > The DTMF muting feature on one of our CAT-1000
> controllers occasionally 
> > falses and sends cover tone over a user's voice. 
> This happens to one 
> > user more so than anyone else.
> > 
> > Is there an adjustment?  Why does this happen on
> only one of 3 idential 
> > controllers?
> > 
> > Thanks.

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