You didn't answer all the "big questions". I saw in another 
post the Tx value of 26 watts into the duplexer. List items 2, 
3 & 4 are pretty big answer clues sources. 

your turn, 

The reply... 

> "Mike Besemer \(WM4B\)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> No preamp.
> Yes. the receiver was aligned per instructions (poor as they are.)
> The receiver is the Kendecom MR-4 which is part of the 
> standard Mark 4
> Yes. the transmitter was aligned per instructions (which are 
> actually pretty good) and looks very clean on the spectrum 
> analyzer.

Questions asked: 
> > Preamp on the Receiver? 
> > Was the Receiver front-end aligned on the specific new frequency? 
> > Specific Receiver Model? 
> > Were the transmitter and any power amplifiers properly aligned? 
> > [The big questions...]
> > 1 Transmitter Power Output? 
> > 2 Insertion loss setting on the duplexer probes? 
> > 3 Were the duplexer cable harness lengths changed? 
> > 4 What was the default/original factory set duplexer frequency? 
> > cheers, 
> > s. 

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