No worries, Eric. I'm not giving up yet!  I just want to be able to offer
the answer to the inevitable 'worst case scenario' question.  


I definitely agree with you though.  I'm a newbie to repeater stuff, but
I've been juggling electrons for a long time and know that sometimes you've
got to walk away for a while and get a new perspective.  Having this mailing
list is a huge advantage to guys like me who are just trying to 'get it
done' to keep the membership happy!


As always, I appreciate you (and everyone else's) advice.  I've learned a
lot just lurking on the list and even more when I took on the project of
building this 'Frankenrepeater' project.  


I'm definitely just about out of ideas though. read all I can find here, on
the website, and everyplace else I can think of and am running out of ideas.
I guess I need to take the cans apart and inspect them again and also swap
in the spare notch capacitors. but beyond that I'm getting to be at a loss!







[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Eric Lemmon
Sent: Monday, October 06, 2008 10:50 PM
Subject: RE: [Repeater-Builder] Desense has me pulling my hair out! (Was
DB4060 Duplexer Cables



I urge you to avoid jumping to any conclusions, before you determine the
cause of the problem. With all due respect, I think it is premature to
condemn any component of your repeater until you have performed a very
thorough and intelligent investigation. The worst thing you can do, in my
opinion, is rush to a conclusion simply because non-technical people want an
immediate answer. Tell 'em to wait! 

73, Eric Lemmon WB6FLY

-----Original Message-----
<> ] On Behalf Of Mike Besemer
Sent: Monday, October 06, 2008 7:39 PM
Subject: RE: [Repeater-Builder] Desense has me pulling my hair out! (Was
DB4060 Duplexer Cables

I've got a club meeting Thursday and need to present something to the club.

Assuming worse case that the cans I have are a total loss, what suggestions
have ya'll got for a replacement, assuming a 30 watt transmitter (our old
reliable Mark 4).

Does anybody offer a discount to hams? 

Any reasonable chance of getting the cans I've got repaired?






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