Jan. 2009 Site Generator - War Story 

Well... the first train wreck of 09 hit early in the calendar 

A critical care customer reports a serious problem... off we go 
to the super remote solar & propane radio site. We arrive to find 
everything looking just peachy... but since it's a 5 hour drive 
we figure to check every detail and do regular maintenance anyway. 

Move around some cable to find a one repeater cuts in and out... 
oh my god, the feed line is *&^#$%@ LMR-400 from the original site
owner. Out it goes and everything quiets down, life is good once 
again. Or so we thought... 

Packed up ready to leave... let's do one last generator test. 
Switch on to hear a really bad sounding metal on metal grinding 
noise... quick switched off. 

Let me give the short version... 

Genset (generator engine) starter removed to see the most of the 
flywheel ring gear missing. The grinding noise was the starter 
chipping teeth off the flywheel ring gear. Bad, very, very bad... 

Dark clouds form in my head while I/we try to figure out how to 
fix this remote mountain site cluster #...@%&. 

We resign ourselves to at least get the major pull-down part of 
the repair started, then think about how to allocate resources 
and dive into pulling the genset apart. 

Much to our surprise... we properly unbolted 10,000 items to 
end up with the flywheel in our hands 3 hours later. Down the 
mountain to the nearest, largest nearby town where we quickly 
relearn how nothing happens or moves fast in Hooterville. So I 
ask and find a local full-service machine shop and off we go. 

The appended version is the machine shop did a fix to the ring 
gear and repressed it on the flywheel while we ate a late lunch.
I had a RB sandwich with fries... and Ice Tea of course. 
Picked up the beast (repaired flywheel) and off we went back 
to the site... 

Another 2 hours or so to reinstall the flywheel and restore the 
unit. Big smile as I hit the switch to hear the engine cleanly 
roar to life every time. 

Down the mountain we go... dirty, mangy and might unclean but 
no longer wanted men (sorry to those of you who get the AC/DC 
reference). Forget the decafe coffee, stocked up with 20oz French 
Roast (light cream), snacks, a recently renewed XM-Radio 
subscription and start the long drive home. Walked back in the 
shop door some 23 hours after we left... 

So, how was your day? 


skipp025 at yahoo.com 

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