I'll see your genset woes and raise you 2 breaks in a sites power line.

This is at KZKE-FM. In 1975 some idiot buried at least 4640 feet
(measured with a GPS) of 00 gage aluminum. I should also mention that
this is spliced together power pole drop line and was not meant to be

When the ground gets wet the weight shifts and rocks skin insulation
off the line. The result is what can only be considered an electrical
leak. Electricity conducts literally to ground. The result is the
aluminum wire reverts back to alumina, a fine white powder based on
bauxite that is a ceramic.

The current conditions are text book classic for frozen tundra, But
things have improved. Last week it was ankle deep snow in most places
and knee deep in some. Now it is just mud. Mud, mud, sticky mud, mud
in the water, do you understand that? I even found mud in sealed
containers there was so much of it.

We spent all day yesterday digging holes and still didn't find the
break, and there are 2 different breaks by my reckoning. Station has
been without power since Christmas. Pretty much my weekend is going to
be shot. Planning on renting a Bobcat with a hoe and tracks. The
ground is still too wet to efficiently dig with a shovel.

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