Outlook needs a 'trigger lock' on the send button... Also, I have no idea
why outlook decided to add a bunch of crap to my email.  Guess I should be
using a decent mail program!

edits below:

C> Most preamps I run into are at least 10 years old.  Sure they might still
work, but RF transistor technology has sure improved in the last few years.
These amps are *not* going to pass DTV acceptably.

In my rf/data experience otherwise, if the bitrate/frequency ratio is very
high (DTV is doing 20 mbit out of 6 mhz of spectrum, that's a pretty damned
high ratio)


If the bit density is very high, you really do not want to use amplifiers.
Amplifiers *always* add distortion.  You also can't magically 'find' signal
that's below the noise floor with an amplifier.  All you can *really* do
with an amplifier in most digital systems is make up for coax losses (as
long as the amp is mounted at the antenna, and no the far end of the loss),
which one would be better off making as small as possible and eliminating
the amplifier.  With DTV this is easy since you're dealing with 1's and 0's,
capture and process the data as close to the antenna as possible, and move
to a less 'lossy' medium to move the data into your house.

If you insist on using coax and decoding at your TV set, you're going to
have to buy good coax.  'good coax' satellite use isn't always good for OTA
TV use.  All *real* pro setups I've seen here use RG11 or larger *75 ohm*


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