At 2/19/2009 18:08, you wrote:
>Along these same lines....
>Has anyone on this list built / put into practice a Gray-Hoverman panel
>antenna? How do they perform? Is it worth building one? Double or single?
>I'm about 70 miles from my target DTV market. (Pittsburgh, PA) NOBODY here
>can seem to get the Pittsburgh ABC affiliate with their current V/U antenna
>setups. (WTAE4) I have some people that I am helping get their converter
>boxes hooked up and working. They are VERY disappointed that they won't be
>able get their news from channel 4 once DTV has gone into full effect. (They
>DO have one of the areas BEST news teams - in my opinion.)

The center of the map says it all IMO: A4 - D51.  Would be nice if they 
backfilled ch. 4 after the cutover, but I think the channel #s on the map 
indicate the final assignment.

>I'm wondering if a dedicated UHF panel and good UHF only preamp will help
>the situation.

I think all you can do is go for max. gain @ ch. 51 & hope the problem 
isn't multipath; if it is you're SOL unless you go WAY up in the air with 
the antenna.  Stacked Yagis might get the job done @ ch. 51, but then you'd 
need another antenna for the other channels.  Don't know if a parabolic 
would be broadband enough - depends on the type of feed & if the aperture 
(diameter) is large enough to work reasonably at the lowest DTV channel.

Bob NO6B

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