After reading WA1MIL's wonderful article on modifying NTN4633B chargers 
(reducing the trickle rate and reverting to trickle on power-up with a charged 
battery), I have a coupl of questions for the group:

(1) The article stated that this mod essentially
    upgraded chargers from a "B" model to a "C"
    model. I was wondering what the difference
    between the "A" and "B" models were.

(2) I attempted to duplicate the "power-off" conditions
    with a "C" model I have (fully charged battery on
    "green" trickle charge, pulling the plug, and
    expecting it to revert to "green" trickle when
    power re-applied) but the charger goes into
    quick charge more.

    So, are these mods really more that what a "C"
    model has in it or what? I make sense, and thanks in advance for your responses.

(Also, great article, by the way!)

Bill, k6whp

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