At 03:53 PM 03/22/09, you wrote:
>--- In, Kris Kirby <k...@...> wrote:
> > The results, I would say in practical terms, is that a DB-224 cut for
> > 165MHz isn't a bad thing. You'll experience some uptilt. But matching
> > the antenna to a 50-ohm transmitter is another issue altogether.
>So the question is, does anyone have an out-of-service DB-224 
>(hopefully on the ground) that was custom built for amateur service 
>that dimensions can be lifted from from?
>I have access to 316 stainless tube & am willing to take a shot at 
>fabricating replacement elements.

The drawing has both the "A" model (150-160MHz) and
the "E" model (138-150Mhz) measurements.

The PDF is courtesy Skipp, a frequent contributor to this mailing list.


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