Asterisk is your answer,

You can build a cheap interface to use with asterisk, try 6 bucks. 
Anyway just go to the website Asterisk Radio Network or Asterisk Amateur 
Radio Network and send an e-mail and those guys will help you out. 73


a5jxy wrote:
> OK, I have searched the ROIP posts, and I have to say all the posts I 
> have viewed just miss the point of what I am looking for.
> Yes, there are MANY ROIP commercial product related posts.
> All $$$$$$$$
> What I am looking for is a SIMPLE and CHEAP solution for ROIP for 
> AMATEUR service.
> OK, I understand the commercial product line and the need for small 
> business solutions ($$$$). Raytheon NXU etc.
> What about the amateur service trying to break into the ROIP solution?
> I built a P25 repeater for amateur service just because the technology 
> is there. It works and is cheaper than buying a complete P25 
> commercial repeater.
> Now I want to build a ROIP interface similar to IRLP and Echolink 
> without a central server owned by someone else.
> I have the dedicated fiber infrastructure (10GB backbone) in place I 
> can utilize for ROIP.
> What I need is a schematic so I can build my own ROIP cards for PC or 
> a cheap already built card available on ebay.
> There must be a Asterisk and cheap card solution out there.
> Anybody already done this?
> I have an Asterisk PBX server already built and working.
> Anybody set up Asterisk for ROIP and what card(s) did you use?
> I see then for $159 on ebay but I already have MANY parts and can 
> build them cheaper, but still need a schematic or pre-built card.
> If not, how about starting a discussion to do this?
> My goal is to link several repeaters via ROIP other than echolink or IRLP.
> Thanks!
> Neil WA5JXY

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