You might want to take a look at my project "thelinkbox".  It
supports the same <$10 USB audio dongles as Asterisk as well
as IRLP, EchoLink and Dril interfaces.  It can work independently
of EchoLink and IRLP.  You can setup a single Reflector/conference
and connect all of your repeaters to it if you like or use point
to point links.  Repeaters connected via the conference can still
operate full duplex.

73's Skip WB6YMH
--- In, "wa5jxy" <wa5...@...> wrote:
> OK, I have searched the ROIP posts, and I have to say all the posts I have 
> viewed just miss the point of what I am looking for.
> Yes, there are MANY ROIP commercial product related posts.
> All $$$$$$$$
> What I am looking for is a SIMPLE and CHEAP solution for ROIP for AMATEUR 
> service.
> OK, I understand the commercial product line and the need for small business 
> solutions ($$$$). Raytheon NXU etc.
> What about the amateur service trying to break into the ROIP solution?
> I built a P25 repeater for amateur service just because the technology is 
> there. It works and is cheaper than buying a complete P25 commercial repeater.
> Now I want to build a ROIP interface similar to IRLP and Echolink without a 
> central server owned by someone else.
> I have the dedicated fiber infrastructure (10GB backbone) in place I can 
> utilize for ROIP.
> What I need is a schematic so I can build my own ROIP cards for PC or a cheap 
> already built card available on ebay.
> There must be a Asterisk and cheap card solution out there.
> Anybody already done this?
> I have an Asterisk PBX server already built and working.
> Anybody set up Asterisk for ROIP and what card(s) did you use?
> I see then for $159 on ebay but I already have MANY parts and can build them 
> cheaper, but still need a schematic or pre-built card.
> If not, how about starting a discussion to do this?
> My goal is to link several repeaters via ROIP other than echolink or IRLP.
> Thanks!
> Neil WA5JXY

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