That's not the issue here and you know it.


Let's see you spend your money to finance a repeater and see how you feel
when individuals fail to respect the rules you set forth.


In the meantime, if you've got something to say, have the guts to sign your





[] On Behalf Of AA8K73 GMail
Sent: Saturday, July 25, 2009 10:56 PM
Subject: Re: [Repeater-Builder] Re: Closed Repeaters



I can remember when no one could own an amateur radio frequency.

Cort Buffington wrote:
> An amateur repeater STATION is exactly that -- a STATION... just happens 
> to be under automatic control. The owner of a repeater STATION is under 
> no more obligation to allow someone to use it than the owner of any 
> other STATION is. I don't show up at a hams house and demand to use his 
> STATION, just because mine happens to be a repeater doesn't make it any 
> different.

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