Yep my point exactly. Owning a repeater is owning a station, not a frequency. Owning and operating a repeater, is, by part 97 almost identical to owning, say for example, an HF radio and having it set up and operational. Both are stations, neither "own" a frequency. The only difference is one operates under automatic control and another doesn't.

On Jul 25, 2009, at 9:55 PM, AA8K73 GMail wrote:

I can remember when no one could own an amateur radio frequency.

Cort Buffington wrote:
> An amateur repeater STATION is exactly that -- a STATION... just happens > to be under automatic control. The owner of a repeater STATION is under
> no more obligation to allow someone to use it than the owner of any
> other STATION is. I don't show up at a hams house and demand to use his > STATION, just because mine happens to be a repeater doesn't make it any
> different.

Cort Buffington
H: +1-785-838-3034
M: +1-785-865-7206

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