At 10/4/2009 11:24, you wrote:
>Hi All,
>I am looking at the changing radios on our repeater because of the 
>problems we are having.
>We are using a GE Mastr II into a 6 can duplexer and up via 1/2 hardline 
>to a G7-144.
>However, we can not raise the power above 10 watts before de-sense sets in.

What makes you think the problem is the TX?  I can't even remember a case 
I've seen where a problem similar to what you describe turned out to be due 
to a bad TX.

>  Also the radio will climb in power level as it gets hot.
>I set it at 5 watts out and by the end of a half hour net it is up to 12 
>watts out.
>In my opinion this is not right.

Sounds exactly like what a 75 or 110 watt Mastr II RFPA would do.  You need 
to run it at a power level closer to its rated power.  If you need less 
power, you need a PA with lower output.  I'm about to throw a 110 W VHFHB 
Mastr II mobile on my bench that's going to have it's final PA bypassed: 
routing the 25 W driver board straight over to the harmonic filter input.

>What radio would be good for a 2 meter repeater.

If you don't like the GE Mastr II, how about a GE MVP?  ;)

Seriously, if you feel you must use current production equipment, the 
Kenwood TKR series seems to perform the best.

Bob NO6B

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