At 11:24 AM 10/4/2009, W3ML wrote:

>I am looking at the changing radios on our repeater because of the 
>problems we are having.
>We are using a GE Mastr II into a 6 can duplexer and up via 1/2 
>hardline to a G7-144.
>However, we can not raise the power above 10 watts before de-sense 
>sets in. Also the radio will climb in power level as it gets hot.
>I set it at 5 watts out and by the end of a half hour net it is up 
>to 12 watts out.
>In my opinion this is not right.
>What radio would be good for a 2 meter repeater.

<---If you're experiencing desense with more than 10 watts and unless 
your transmitter is really flying, you probably have issues with more 
than your transmitter.

Have you checked the SWR between the duplexer and xmtr? What about 
between the duplexer and antenna?

That being said, you didn't specify what band your repeater is nor 
did you say which model duplexer you have (or even it is a Bp/Br or whatever)

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