I have that information and I did reverse out the 
diagram portions I was interested in detailing, 
which are the different bias schemes for the 
different active devices. 

I'll happily make that information available when 
I locate that buried folder. Today might be a day 
to slightly clean up the office paperwork stack. 

A friend and I are casually setting up to run  
models of both wide and narrow band RF Pre-amplifiers. 
The subject has already started an interesting email 
debate with another group of friends. The termination 
Z (impedance) actually seen by the preamplifier does 
affect the IMD. How much and where is what we hope 
to get a better look at. 


> Joe <k1ike_m...@...> wrote:
> As far as I know, GLB never made the schematic 
> available. 
> I posted to the FILES area what I received with 
> the preamps that I had purchased over the years. 
> I've used them on all three bands with good 
> luck.  Skipp was trying to reverse engineer one 
> I sent him.

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