> Both KJ6KO and and KM1H have done AMP repair.  I 
> exchanged several e-mails with kj6ko about TE amps 
> a few years back and he was very helpful.
> Unfortunately kj6ko's web page says he is no longer 
> doing repairs but it might be worth sending him an e-mail.
> http://users.innercite.com/kj6ko/

Greg is a good friend and local to me here in Northern 
California. He likes to mod former commercial (cell) 
amplifiers for 900, 1290 and higher bands. Amateur Radio 
and Amplifier Repair work tends to be time intensive and 
occasionally a pain in the pazzoo... so I believe he's 
taking a rest from it. He and many others out here are 
very into 900 MHz repeaters and linking of said. 

Carl has been around since mosses... he's fond of reworking 
SB-200 and SB-220 Amplifiers into 6 meter operation. I 
don't see him on the web regularly offering much regarding 
solid state amplifier repair for VHF and Higher Bands.  
Some of you old timers might remember "Radiokit", which 
was Carl's Company back in the Ham Radio Magazine Days. 
Carl can be cranky and sometimes very slow but he is 
accessible on the web, at least through the Yahoo 
RFAmplifiers Group. 

I have a modest amount of TE Amplifier Information I'd share 
(for free of course) and I've serviced a few. If you have 
specific questions it only takes an Email or group post. 
If you have an interest in RF Amplifiers, there is another 
directly related (subject) Group on Yahoo. 



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