On Fri, 25 Dec 2009, Mike/W5JR wrote:
> Oh, great wizards. I have an aging, fragile 386sx laptop that has 
> faithfully programmed my X9000 radio for years. I also have a Compaq 
> LTE P1 120 that I program all of my other Moto radios with 
> successfully except for the X9000. On the Compaq, I have tried booting 
> to real DOS6.22 from a floppy (Windows 98SE DOS gives same problem). 
> Using moslo, the X9000 program launches just fine but I am unable to 
> read the radio. I receive the dreaded "Serial Bus Failure. Power 
> Fault." message.
> I can only guess that the computer speed still hoses the serial port 
> despite using moslo to dial back the computer. I have read through all 
> of the repeater-builder and Blenderman sites on the issue.
> Has anyone made the X9000 program work on a P1?  If not, I guess I'm 
> going garage sale shopping.

The nice part is that the X9000 is the only radio you can't brick while 

Kris Kirby, KE4AHR
Disinformation Analyst

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