i have only seen the 5% rule applied when building yagi antennas.  the 
reflector is normally 5% longer and all subsequent directors are are 5% shorter 
thn the preceding element!!  now , as for the DB-201 ground plane, It is a 1/2 
wave folded loop ground plne  which exhibits no gain.  the radials are 
considerbly longer than the total height because it is a 1/2 wave length . doot 
shoten he radials to the same length as the vertical element. you will be 
sorry.   i convert these ntenas to 6m all the time and have even lengthened a 
couple of 31 mhz versions to the 10 fm portion of the band. my total height 
dimension for the 6m version is 54 inches which is right at 50 mhz and  i can 
lengthen it to as much as 55 inches  if necessary( 50 inches normally puts them 
on 54 mhz. ) basically, 1 inch equals 1 mhz wth this antenna on 6 meters. I 
normally cut the antenna about 1 inch above where it slides into the the 
antenna base and drill and install a 10-32 SS machine screw and self-locking 
nut. then  i find aluminum tubing that fits snugly over the stub, cut it aprox. 
12 inches(1 ft.) long and attach it to the stub via he 10-32 screw. I then slit 
the end of the new tubing an lay the antenna radiator next to it  with the 
looped end inserted into the grouned clamp end and slide the antenna own to 50 
inches(measured rom the outer-most bend of the radiator, down to the top of the 
ground radial flange this is my highest freq(54 mhz) i then cut the radiator so 
that is will bottom out inside the newly installed tube at that freq. if  i 
want the freq. higher, then i trim off more of the radiator (i have at least 10 
inches of adjustment to play with).I thn slide the antenna radiator out to the 
lowest freq. i will use and then trim the grounded end of the radiator to about 
1 inch longer than it is sticking out.  debur al the cuts  add a SS hose clamp 
to the new tubing with the slit in it and you have a fully adjustable DB-201. 
as for ground radial length, i use the  cutting chart for  the DB-201 and cut 
them for the lowest frequency(50 mhz). From 49 to 55 mhz this length does not 
seem to affect the swr enough to worry about. like all db-201s "0" gain so the 
more height the better. they work just fine in repeater operation. I have 
side-mounted all  low-band versions of these antennas, a minimum of 4 ft. from 
the tower with no noticable swr increase.

  well, that my to cents worth on the subject, I just finished up converting 4 
of these antennas for a few emergency operating locations for our ham club, so 
i figured  i would do a write-up on it. this now maks @ 65 of these conversions 
so far. If i can get more antennas, i'll do up a few more and maybe even a 
couple more for 
10m fm.

73 es gud luck with your projects!!!

Tyrone   N5XES

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