On Sat, 3 Apr 2010, Nate Duehr wrote:
> Actually they did an "okay" job on the radios, JARL did a really 
> piss-poor job on the streaming standard,

The radio interface isn't so bad until you get into programming all 
fourteen menu items that have to be set to make communication happen 
through a repeater. 

I still think it needs a beacon channel like APRS which would allow the 
radio to be aware of what repeaters are around it so the system may 
route the "call" according to what repeater the user can hit. 

But that might make it too much like trunking radio, and would require 
another duplexer and a second frequency.

> and Icom REALLY screwed up 
> the distribution of a Linux server...
> (Build Apache from SOURCE CODE as a normal way to distribute the 
> software?!  Really Icom?  Okay, welcome back to the 80s... thanks...)

Agreed. That and completely NOT understanding NAT and RFC1918 space, as 
as well as requiring pre-CIDR routing make it a toy. Realisticially, you 
don't need to know anything about routing, and way they decided to 
implement it precludes current subnetting practices used in AMPR.ORG 

> I like D-STAR as a not-very-well-designed "first try" and use it... 
> but it's seriously technologically flawed.  Some of that can be 
> fixed... other things like the header information not being 
> interlaced...

There's always DSTAR v2.0... If ICOM is willing to release a flash tool 
for the radios.

Kris Kirby, KE4AHR
Disinformation Analyst

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