Well good.

Just absolutely perfect.

So, now, to really back up my win2k drives, I have to ditch my very
functional Mac retro machine...and go buy a an win2k server. Because with
all the betas of win 2k, you guys never bothered to update the registry
backup tool. And since I just inherited *2* win2k Citrix servers, and a
Domain/AD controller...and you guys didn't send out HUMONGOUS notices that
said.."Oh, if you need to back up win2k systems...better ditch the Mac

So PLEASE tell me that you have an imminent update of the registry backup
tool...because if I'm left with the option of  having to take the reaming
that switching architectures for our backup system...especially in the
middle of rebuilding a *years* worth of daily indices because they went out
of synch, and there is no way to repair them...I'm going to start thinking
that instead of waiting for a release that will do what I need it to do, or
buying a Win2k Backup server so that I can really back up my machines...that
legato agent will look really good.

I don't mean to sound as harsh as this does...but especially after that song
and dance about "Oh, we're a mac company still"...and then to find out that
what this translates into *now* is .."as long as you're only backing up macs
that is", well, honestly...it sucks. And this also pushes me into not
feeling that I can recommend the Mac version of Retrospect anymore, as it is
NOT a complete windows/mac backup solution. It's now...for any real
corporate purposes...a mac only solution, with Win9x and some NT capability.

So now what do I do? Because my formerly nigh-perfect backup system has just
gone from priceless to worthless.

john c. welch
Mac/PC admin
MacTech Columnist
MacWeek.com Columnist
MacFixit.com editor

On 10/28/00 8:33 PM, "Eric Ullman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> My understanding is (and some of you Win 2000 folks can correct me if I'm
> wrong) that the Windows 2000 registry is made up of more data files than the
> registry in Win NT. Dantz's Registry Backup Manager is not designed to back
> up the Win 2000 registry hives.
> Retrospect 5.x _is_ able to back up (and restore) the Win 2000 registry
> directly...no helper app necessary.
> Eric Ullman
> Dantz Development
> John Welch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Wait...hold the phone...you mean that the registry backup tool is useless
>> under Win2K?
>> john
>> On 10/28/00 6:15 PM, "Eric Ullman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> Retrospect 4.x is not able to backup the Windows 2000 registry; only
>>> Retrospect 5.x for Windows can. The Registry Backup Manager only functions
>>> with the Windows NT registry. This is covered in the Retrospect User's
>>> Guide, but I agree that we need to address this on our website, as well. We
>>> will add this information to the knowledgebase ASAP.
> --
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