Hi Stephen,

After running rb-site install and visiting the website, I get errors about a 
couple of directories not being writeable.  The web page helpfully suggests a 
couple of "chmod -R" commands.  However on Fedora the SELinux profile for the 
httpd process prevents writing regardless of unix permissions.  I'm not sure if 
there's anything Fedora can do to make that easier for users, perhaps it's just 
something to document.  The SELinux Troubleshooter correctly indicates how to 
workaround this issue.

Hi Christian,

With my test site up and running, I had a brief look around.  Here are a few 
issues I noticed on the admin pages:

On the Admin dashboard, System Information section on left hand side
1) Both "Review Emails" and "Email TLS Authentication" are hyperlinks to the 
same page.  Should they be different links or would one link would be 
2) "Indexed Search" links to "/admin/settings/general", which is the same as 
the "General" link at the system settings section.  Perhaps this is influence 
by my install not having PyLucene.  Should "Indexed Search" link to a different 

3) General Settings admin page mentions "PyLucene (with JCC) is required to 
enable search. See the documentation for instructions.".  The documentation 
link points to 
http://www.reviewboard.org/docs/manual/dev/admin/sites/enabling-search/ however 
that serves up a 404 Not Found page.
4) Review Board Activity: Clicking on the four toggle buttons (Reviews, 
Comments, Review Requests, Changes) affects how much data is plotted.  The 
graph goes from four datasets down to one.  Deactivating the last toggle greys 
out the last button, but doesn't remove the last dataset from the graph (tested 
on Firefox 17, Fedora 17).

Hope that feedback's useful,

> From: Christian Hammond <chip...@gmail.com>
>To: "reviewboard@googlegroups.com" <reviewboard@googlegroups.com> 
>Cc: "reviewboard@googlegroups.com" <reviewboard@googlegroups.com>; pfee 
><p...@talk21.com>; "chip...@chipx86.com" <chip...@chipx86.com> 
>Sent: Friday, 21 December 2012, 21:24
>Subject: Re: Review Board 1.7.1 released
>Hmm, first time anybody has reported this, and that line has been there for 
>years. I'll make sure to fix it, but it'll only affect new installs.
>On Dec 21, 2012, at 5:37, pfee <p...@talk21.com> wrote:
>Hi Christian,
>>I think my next issue is with ReviewBoard rather than Fedora.
>>The Apache configuration generated by rb-site includes this line:
>>Options -Indexes FollowSymLinks
>>This mixes options starting with +/- with those without a prefix.  The 
>>documentation for httpd 2.2 warns this can lead to unexpected results 
>>(https://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.2/mod/core.html#options).  However httpd 2.4 
>>is stricter, causing the server to abort 
>>Fedora 18 uses Apache httpd 2.4.3, hence the httpd config generated by 
>>rb-site will not work.  I adjusted the line as follows, though I'm not sure 
>>if that's appropriate.
>>Options -Indexes +FollowSymLinks
>>On Friday, 21 December 2012 13:14:48 UTC, pfee  wrote:
>>Hi Stephen,
>>>Installing python-docutils got past those popup errors, only to reveal 
>>>similar errors about the lack of "markdown".
>>>Installing python-markdown fixed this second set of popup errors. rb-site 
>>>now proceeds to create the DB tables and then runs successfully to 
>>>Hence that's two dependencies you need, python-docutils and python-markdown.
>>>Thanks for your help,
>>>On Friday, 21 December 2012 12:49:11 UTC, Stephen Gallagher  wrote:
>>>On 12/21/2012 06:18 AM, pfee wrote: 
>>>>> Hi Stephen and Christian, 
>>>>> Excellent - thanks for your work. 
>>>>> I tried this out on F18 beta, yum install worked without issue.  I then 
>>>>> issued "rb-site install /var/www/reviewboard". 
>>>>> I had adjusted unix permissions so that rb-site could create 
>>>>> /var/www/reviewboard. 
>>>>> I had setup mysql authorisation, such that the mysql user had all 
>>>>> privileges within the "reviewboard" database. 
>>>>> However I get a couple of popup dialogs: 
>>>>> 1) Unable to execute the manager command 
>>>>> evolve: No module named docutils.core 
>>>>> 2) Unable to execute the manager command 
>>>>> registerscmtools: No module named docutils.core 
>>>>This one is a packaging issue. I forgot to add a dependency on 
>>>>python-docutils. I'll fix that up in the next version. In the meantime, 
>>>>if you 'yum install python-docutils' you should be able to get past this. 
>>>>> Probably more importantly, I get this error on the console 
>>>>> django.db.utils.DatabaseError: (1146, "Table 'reviewboard.auth_user' 
>>>>> doesn't exist") 
>>>>> It looks as though rb-site is connecting to mysql, but is not creating 
>>>>> any tables. 
>>>>> Is "yum install ReviewBoard", followed by "rb-site install" the correct 
>>>>> procedure?  Is there a Django step such as "manage.py syncdb" require in 
>>>>> between?  I'm not sure if this is a Fedora packaging issue or a general 
>>>>> reviewboard problem. 
>>>>Can you try with python-docutils installed first? It may be that it just 
>>>>didn't complete the site-installation and thus didn't get to the part 
>>>>where it created the database. 
>>>>> Thanks, 
>>>>> Paul 
>>>>> On Wednesday, 19 December 2012 20:25:15 UTC, Christian Hammond wrote: 
>>>>>     Congrats Stephen! Excellent work as always. I know that was a 
>>>>>     particularly hairy one. 
>>>>>     Btw, I just put out a Djblets 1.7.8 to fix a JavaScript issue that 
>>>>>     was introduced, which I'll be announcing shortly. 
>>>>>     Happy holidays! 
>>>>>     Christian 
>>>>>     On Dec 19, 2012, at 11:21 AM, Stephen Gallagher 
>>>>>     <ste...@gallagherhome.com <javascript:>> wrote: 
>>>>>      > On Wed 19 Dec 2012 05:04:39 AM EST, Christian Hammond wrote: 
>>>>>      >> Hi everyone, 
>>>>>      >> 
>>>>>      >> To those of you who upgraded to 1.7.0 and hit some upgrade 
>>>>>     problems, 
>>>>>      >> I'd like to apologize and also thank you for your reports. We've 
>>>>>     fixed 
>>>>>      >> up a number of these issues for those who haven't upgraded yet, 
>>>>> and 
>>>>>      >> rolled it into 1.7.1. 
>>>>>      >> 
>>>>>      >> There's also a new checkbox when configuring GitHub repositories 
>>>>>     for 
>>>>>      >> automatically associating your SSH key as a deploy key on GitHub. 
>>>>>      >> 
>>>>>      >> 
>>>>>     http://www.reviewboard.org/ news/2012/12/19/review-board- 
>>>>> 1-7-1-released/ 
>>>>>     <http://www.reviewboard.org/ news/2012/12/19/review-board- 
>>>>> 1-7-1-released/> 
>>>>>      >> 
>>>>>      > 
>>>>>      > 
>>>>>      > It's been a long road (and many thanks for your help, Christian!) 
>>>>>     but we finally have Review Board 1.7.1 in Fedora! 
>>>>>      > 
>>>>>      > 
>>>>>     https://admin.fedoraproject. org/updates/ReviewBoard-1.7.1- 
>>>>> 1.fc18,python-djblets-0.7.7-1. fc18,python-django-pipeline-1. 2.17-1.fc18 
>>>>>     <https://admin.fedoraproject. org/updates/ReviewBoard-1.7.1- 
>>>>> 1.fc18,python-djblets-0.7.7-1. fc18,python-django-pipeline-1. 
>>>>> 2.17-1.fc18> 
>>>>>      > 
>>>>>      > For now, we're only supporting Fedora 18 and later. Some of the 
>>>>>     dependencies, notably Node.js for the less.js compressor currently 
>>>>>     aren't available on Fedora 17. I'm going to look into that (and 
>>>>>     support on EPEL 6) in the new year. 
>>>>>      > 
>>>>>      > Happy Holidays, folks! 
>>>>>      > 
>>>>>      > -- 
>>>>>      > Want to help the Review Board project? Donate today at 
>>>>>     http://www.reviewboard.org/ donate/ <http://www.reviewboard.org/ 
>>>>> donate/> 
>>>>>      > Happy user? Let us know at http://www.reviewboard.org/ users/ 
>>>>>     <http://www.reviewboard.org/ users/> 
>>>>>      > -~----------~----~----~----~-- ----~----~------~--~--- 
>>>>>      > To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
>>>>>     reviewboard...@googlegroups. com <javascript:> 
>>>>>      > For more options, visit this group at 
>>>>>     http://groups.google.com/ group/reviewboard?hl=en 
>>>>>     <http://groups.google.com/ group/reviewboard?hl=en> 
>>>>>      > 
>>>>>      > 
>>>>> -- 
>>>>> Want to help the Review Board project? Donate today at 
>>>>> http://www.reviewboard.org/ donate/ 
>>>>> Happy user? Let us know at http://www.reviewboard.org/ users/ 
>>>>> -~----------~----~----~----~-- ----~----~------~--~--- 
>>>>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
>>>>> reviewboard...@googlegroups. com 
>>>>> For more options, visit this group at 
>>>>> http://groups.google.com/ group/reviewboard?hl=en 
>>Want to help the Review Board project? Donate today at 
>>Happy user? Let us know at http://www.reviewboard.org/users/
>>To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
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