> On Dec. 22, 2017, 2:51 p.m., Nate Cole wrote:
> > ambari-web/app/controllers/wizard/step3_controller.js
> > Lines 863-880 (patched)
> > <https://reviews.apache.org/r/64769/diff/2/?file=1925966#file1925966line863>
> >
> >     I'm no UI expert, but this entire new block seems to be doing repo 
> > stuff that already is on the UI.  Can you explain the gist here?
> Sonia Garudi wrote:
>     We need each host's os type which is not available on the UI. This 
> function makes an API call which gets information of all the bootstrapped 
> hosts .
> Nate Cole wrote:
>     I see.  We should probably have that returned as part of host 
> registration and read it from there instead of making another call.  Is that 
> possible in this patch?
> Sonia Garudi wrote:
>     The os types of the bootstrapped hosts can be obtained in the 
> registration success callback(isHostsRegisteredSuccessCallback) which would 
> eliminate the above API call. This would involve editing the 
> 'wizard.step3.is_hosts_registered' API call in ajax.js to include the 
> 'Hosts/os_type' field.
>     Please let me know your suggestions.
> Nate Cole wrote:
>     That sounds reasonable instead of making another call.  Can we make that 
> an error/failure case after registration that we don't have a JAVA_HOME 
> matching the type?
> Yussuf Shaikh wrote:
>     Do you want us to fail the Host Registration if java home is not found 
> for host os_type?
>     We were planning to just show a message on the host check warnings popup 
> that Host does not have proper Java Home set of its Os type and default java 
> home will be used. This assumption is because during normal(existing) flow 
> Amabari show warning for incorrect Java Home and does not fail registration.
> Nate Cole wrote:
>     No need to fail host registration.  The popup informational is fine.

Eliminated the API call by editing registration API to get the os_family. Also 
made changes to display java home host check warnings.

> On Dec. 22, 2017, 2:51 p.m., Nate Cole wrote:
> > ambari-web/app/controllers/wizard/step3_controller.js
> > Lines 968-972 (patched)
> > <https://reviews.apache.org/r/64769/diff/2/?file=1925966#file1925966line968>
> >
> >     Should not rely on the name for the id.  The API should be giving you 
> > the id.
> Sonia Garudi wrote:
>     Made the required change in next diff.
> Nate Cole wrote:
>     Ok, please resolve review issues as they are fixed in diffs with "Fixed"
> Sonia Garudi wrote:
>     I made the change to get the stackId based on repositoryVersion instead 
> of displayName. However, the repositoryVersion is set to '' 
> irrespective of the actual version of HDP installed(not sure if its a bug). I 
> was unable to retrieve the proper installed version of HDP on the UI using 
> any API call. Please let me know your suggestions.
> Sonia Garudi wrote:
>     In the latest diff, I have reverted to the previous change(i.e. use of 
> displayName instead of repositoryVersion to get the version_definition_id).

Do you have any suggestions for getting the proper installed version of HDP? Or 
should we continue using the displayName?
If possible could you merge this patch, as we can include these changes in the 
further patches.

- Sonia

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On Jan. 8, 2018, 1:05 p.m., Sonia Garudi wrote:
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:
> https://reviews.apache.org/r/64769/
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> (Updated Jan. 8, 2018, 1:05 p.m.)
> Review request for Ambari and Nate Cole.
> Bugs: AMBARI-22406
>     https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/AMBARI-22406
> Repository: ambari
> Description
> -------
> Includes UI changes in ambari-web to check if the repo is selected or 
> provides prompt to the user to enter the HDP and HDP-utils repo URL's. 
> Includes necessary validation checks for the repo urls, allows user to select 
> the public and local repository and also provides functionality to skip 
> validation checks.
> Diffs
> -----
>   ambari-web/app/controllers/wizard/step3_controller.js 55f4323 
>   ambari-web/app/messages.js 6da0368 
>   ambari-web/app/styles/wizard.less 4e680ca 
>   ambari-web/app/templates/wizard/step3.hbs ff436a8 
>   ambari-web/app/utils/ajax/ajax.js 483be5e 
>   ambari-web/app/views/wizard/step3/hostWarningPopupBody_view.js 786c4f7 
>   ambari-web/app/views/wizard/step3_view.js 3249b24 
>   ambari-web/test/controllers/wizard/step3_test.js b8bc794 
> Diff: https://reviews.apache.org/r/64769/diff/5/
> Testing
> -------
> Tests were successful in ambari-web
> Thanks,
> Sonia Garudi

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