It was a simple SPEC file edit to get '--target i586 --rebuild
kernel-2.4.21-4.EL.src.rpm' to go:

# groups of related archs:
%define all_x86 i386 i586 i686 athlon

Waiting for it to build now.

- Kris Jordan -

> Also, --target i586 seems broken, I see i586 in vaious places in the SPEC
> file, but it says that it won't build as that target. 3WS does not come
> with i586 RPMs, so I guess RH no longer bothers building i586 kernel RPMs.
> - Kris Jordan -

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  • ... Kris Jordan
  • ... Venkatesh. K
  • ... Kris Jordan
  • ... Juergen . Maresch
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