On Wednesday, January 14, 2004, at 07:58 PM, MJang wrote:

With the current efforts of Whitebox Linux, TaoLinux, and cAos, I was wondering about the status of this group

- and if there's a RHEL-rebuild of RHEL 3. I'm not sure if I know what's on the home page, as I don't know German.

I did an eval of WBEL and CentOS (cAos' EL offering). WBEL is more polished right now, but not by much. I decided not to standardize on it at work as it is a one man show. Project lead has no interest in fostering a thriving community. If he gets hit by a bus, project dies with him.

CentOS is slightly rougher around the edges right now, but has a thriving community behind it. From what I hear Build 5 is right around the corner, and should clean up most of the remaining rough edges we currently have in Build 4. There are moves being made to become a legal Non-Profit Organization and accept tax deductable donations to keep it going. The future looks much brighter for this distro. Bright enough that I am planning on redeploying it to all of my existing Red Hat Linux 9 servers and workstations later this quarter, and I have already begun asking my vendors to support their products on it. OpenNMS has already committed to commercial support of their Network Management System on CentOS 3 at our request, and our SAN vendor is seriously considering supporting it based on our inquiries. I know of at least three different professionals who are offering enterprise support services for CentOS, and are deeply involved with the maintenance of the OS.

Later this quarter or early next quarter I'll also be building an OpenMOSIX/distcc cluster based on CentOS. I'll also be taking a look at Warewulf for cluster management as it is highly recommended (and coincidentally developed by) the project lead for cAos.


C. Magnus Hedemark
"The only way to keep your health is to eat what you don't want, drink what you don't like, and do what you'd rather not." - Mark Twain

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