>You speak with forked tongue. You say keep religion out of it and then you
>attribute your point to Jewish religious fanatics. ....

Correct,Sarah...It is the irony of zionism...

>since Palestine does not exist except as a figment of your imagination
>they can return to that figment but not so they can finish the job the
>Grand Mufti attempted and failed at....

You have forgotten that grand Mufti was apponted by British occupiers not
under Islamic sovereignty....


----- Original Message -----
Subject:      Re: [RHETORIC] why he posted this crap- answer from Hal Smith
Sent:         Thu, 16 Dec 2004 10:03:16 -0500
From: sarah blum <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> On Wed, 15 Dec 2004, John Thornton wrote:
>> This makes no sense. Were there no jews before 1948 when Israel was formed?
>> Until only very recently in jewish history most jews opposed the creation
>> of a jewish state. The Litvish and Hasidic jews were both primarily opposed
>> to the creation of a jewish state before the return of the messiah was
>> sacrilegious. Even today the Haredi are either neutral to or opposed to
>> Zionism. The bible is not a tool to use to decide geo-political conflicts.
>> It is a collection of myths from long ago and it is time to begin to treat
>> it as such.
>You speak with forked tongue. You say keep religion out of it and then you
>attribute your point to Jewish religious fanatics. Yes, we have them too.
>> If the creation of Israel is just then displacing every white face in north
>> America is equally just. Give it back to the native American population and
>> then they can decide whether to let whites in or not. If you argue this is
>> not the same you are correct only in one sense. Native Americans don't
>> claim some all powerful man in the sky with a white beard "gave" it to
>> them. They merely claim "ownership" because they truly populated a space
>> void of humans. Opposing the return of north America to Native Americans
>> while supporting the "return" of jews to Israel is amazingly hypocritical.
>> Of course Israel was filled with "mere Arabs" while the US and Canada are
>> filled with good white folks. We can't displace them.
>First of all he is a she. And secondly we don't get our title from the
>Torah. We get our title from the United Nations and the League of Nations
>before then with the Mandate. And thirdly, Jews fled to Israel just like
>anyone crossing the border from Mexico or immigrating from wherever it was
>your grandparents or great grandparents came from because it is a pretty
>good bet they came from somewhere else. Arabs can't return if they swear
>to destroy Israel and they can't go home if that isn't their home and
>since Palestine does not exist except as a figment of your imagination
>they can return to that figment but not so they can finish the job the
>Grand Mufti attempted and failed at.
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