Personally I am not opposed to or in favour of settling people anywhere in the
cotext of the present discussion - what I favour is not under discussion. I
merely asked where you, with the hindsight that we all use, would have allowed
them to settle (a bit paternalistic but I suppose that inherent in your
arguments is the implication that you would have the victorious Allies help
them by enforceing the carving out of a new State).

My point is that wherever they were settled someone would have been, if not
displaced, at least upset and similar troubles would have brewed over the years
to those the Israelis now have. Just look at the ethnic troubles in Yugoslavia
with the artificial boundaries there and the movement in Germany for
compensation for the Germans turfed out of East Germany by the Russians and
Poles in 1945 and thereafter. Other examples of ethnic/religious problems re
land settlement/political supremacy - the Basques, Northern Ireland, Chechnyia,
the Kurds and so on.

My arguments had nothing to do with the Jewish God - or any other God for that
matter - and I am sure that for many Jews and Israelis (as well as people who
settled in Israel) the same applies

Garth Cartledge

> From: John Thornton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: 17/12/2004 8:22:30
> Subject: Fwd: Re: [RHETORIC] why he posted this crap- answer from Hal
> Smith

> >You are opposed to setting a jewish state in Europe because they were not
> >welcome there so you favor putting them in the Middle-East where they are,
> >what, welcomed with open arms?

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