Thanks Matthew,

but one thing I didn't get. If I delete a sst file.. should I delete
(by hand) the MANIFEST file to trigger a repair or is it done
automatically within Riak if it detects that a sst file which is
referenced in the MANIFEST is missing?


On Wed, 25 Sep 2013 09:58:51 -0400
Matthew Von-Maszewski <> wrote:

> Simon,
> I want to point out again that I do not like my answer … but currently lack a 
> better one.  The manual delete of .sst files should be treated as a last 
> resort.  Only do it if you really, really cannot wait for normal compactions 
> to purge the old data.
> To your question:
> leveldb keeps a list of .sst table files in its MANIFEST file.  If the .sst 
> table files are deleted manually, the MANIFEST is no longer accurate.  An 
> inaccurate MANIFEST file leads to leveldb internal errors and sometimes 
> infinite loops.
> The repair process erases the current MANIFEST file and builds a new one 
> based upon the files actually found on disk.
> WARNING:  repair takes a really, really long time in Riak 1.2.0 … it gets 
> better in 1.2.1 … and improves to something quite reasonable by 1.3 and 1.4.
> A discussion about repair can be found here:
> Matthew
> On Sep 25, 2013, at 9:38 AM, Simon Effenberg <> 
> wrote:
> > On Wed, 25 Sep 2013 09:15:33 -0400
> > Matthew Von-Maszewski <> wrote:
> > 
> >> - run Riak repair on the vnode so that leveldb can create a MANIFEST that 
> >> matches the files remaining.
> > 
> > what do you mean with this? Wait for AAE? Request each key to trigger
> > read repair or do I miss something?
> > 
> > We are in a similar situation.. only sst_4 exists in our situation but
> > we also delete old stuff regularly..
> > 
> > Cheers
> > Simon 
> > 
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