Hi Alex,

Benchmarking is the only sure way to know if you need to add this
additional complexity to your system for your own use-case or if
search in Riak 2.0 will suffice. I suspect the latter will be true.

Luke Bakken

On Mon, May 16, 2016 at 6:08 AM, Alex De la rosa
<alex.rosa....@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Fred,
> Yeah, I realised that on my testing node with n_val of 3 I was getting the
> triple of results in the count... that is not ideal.
> I was just concerned on how much extra-work would get Riak to talk with SOLR
> and compile data against hitting SOLR directly... For my tests these days,
> seems the /search interface is pretty fast and it may not be a real problem
> for Riak... but still have my fears from Riak 0.14 an Riak 1.4
> Thanks,
> Alex
> On Mon, May 16, 2016 at 4:49 PM, Fred Dushin <fdus...@basho.com> wrote:
>> Hi Alex,
>> Other people have chimed in, but let me repeat that while the
>> internal_solr interface is accessible via HTTP (and needs to be, at least
>> from Riak processes), you cannot use that interface to query Solr and expect
>> a correct result set (unless you are using a single node cluster with an
>> n_val of 1).
>> When you run your queries through Riak, Yokozuna, the component that
>> interfaces with Solr, will use a riak_core coverage plan to generate a
>> distributed Solr filter query across the entire cluster that guarantees that
>> for any document stored on all Solr nodes in the cluster, the query will
>> select one (and only one) replica.  If you were to run your query locally
>> using the internal_solr interface, your query would not span the cluster
>> (likely missing documents on other nodes) and may have duplicates (e.g., in
>> degenerate cases where you have more than one replica on the same node).
>> I hope that helps explain why using the internal_solr interface is not
>> only not recommended, it's also not going to give you the results you
>> expect.
>> -Fred

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