>U, V, and W tend to be highly correlated

The correlation between U,V,W is the result of a resolution curve that doesn't have a 
well defined minimum. If you differentiate the Caglioti equation for the FWHM:
you obtain the condition for the minimum as 
2U.tan(theta) + V = 0 so you can constrain V = -2U.tan(theta)
Theta can be assumed to be about half the monochromator take-off angle (2thetaM) for a 
conventional neutron diffractometer eg for 2thetaM=90 you can just approximate:
V=-2U   (This was known from the time of Rietveld...)

Alan Hewat, ILL Grenoble, FRANCE  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> fax (33)
(33) (.26 Mme Guillermet) http://www.ill.fr/dif/AlanHewat.htm 

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