
On Mon, Jan 25, 2016 at 04:49:54PM +0100, Estelmann, Christian wrote:
> > On Mon, Jan 25, 2016 at 04:34:57PM +0100, Estelmann, Christian wrote:
> >> If the system is able to detect that the USB stick is read only it
> >> surely can report this.
> >
> > +1  - well, it actually *does* report it as part of the SOS DNS queries,
> > but the whole process "there is a SOS that looks very typical for FAQ
> > item 37 -> send note to user pointing to that FAQ item" is, uh, somewhat
> > underdeveloped right now.
> I have not the technical equipment at home to sniff the traffic*. So I 
> am not able to see which DNS queries are performed. But simple tagging 
> the probe with something like "USB stick read-only" will surely help to 
> find the problem. The current "something is wrong" tag is not very 
> helpful (imho).

This is what I'm saying.  The probe is clearly communicating the problem
back - these DNS requests hit the RIPE DNS resolvers, and they know what
is wrong.  The SOS messages are listed on the atlas web site, just the
"draw automated conclusion and notify user what to do next" bit is missing.

> *OK, I could boot Knoppix on my laptop (probe connected to Ethernet 
> port, traffic forwarded via WLAN to the internet) to sniff the traffic. 
> Or something like this...

"Not being able to sniff the traffic" is a somewhat lame excuse, but
missing the point :-)

Gert Doering
        -- NetMaster
have you enabled IPv6 on something today...?

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