On 01/05/2016 10:56, Michael Ionescu wrote:
> Hi,
>>> I think though that there should still be more debugging info for 
>>> connections.
>>> However, we're working on a feature to give probe hosts more guidance about
>>> what's going on (and especially what's going wrong) with their probe (*),
>>> and here we will make it clear if the USB replacement is in order.
> In the interim, the status feature has been launched, but it doesn't help 
> when the probe does not connect to the atlas server.
>> Besides this, I'm sure we'll happily endorse any kind of community-written
>> troubleshooting guides :)
> For want of a better place I've started a troubleshooting guide on my 
> wikipedia sandbox and would invite the community to help bring it to 
> fruition. Your contributions are appreciated!
> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Mhi/sandbox/Troubleshooting_RIPE-Atlas_Probes

Very nice!


> Regards,
> Michael
> Sent via RIPE Forum -- https://www.ripe.net/participate/mail/forum

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