>But if you want really good album art, you're much better off finding it
>yourself manually, even though the process can be time-consuming. A
>great resource is the 'AlbumArtExchange' (albumartexchange.com). If you
>don't find something there, try using Google's Image Search.

I found that Album Art Exchange stopped working for me a while back.  It was 
good whilst it lasted, but they've put up some firewall software that for some 
reason is very over zealous and prevents many people from accessing the site 
any more.  I get "www.albumartexchange.com is protected by Blocked.com."

I found a similar site called fanart.tv, which seems to be a reasonable source 
for good quality (1000x1000) artwork.  Failing that, I search discogs.com or 
eCover, and then search using google image.

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