On Tue, 4 Oct 2011, Andy Sayler wrote:

A note on the usability of Linux for Windows denizens:
We run RDAirplay/Rivendell as our main (and only) play out system for a
community/college radio station. Our DJ staff is comprised of about 200
students and community volunteers (of which about 50 roll over each year).
This means we see a lot of individuals moving through our station, and 95%
of these individuals have never touched Linux before they walk in the door.
Using a modern Linux distro like Ubuntu with Gnome or KDE, the system is
Windows-like enough that we don't have to do any special Linux training for
our DJs. We just have to teach Rivendell (which we would have to do anyway),
not the non-Windows OS. The only other Linux app our users touch is
Firefox/Chrome, and those look the same regardless of the underlying OS. The
added complexity of training our staff to use Linux over Windows
is negligible at worst and simpler at best.

And just down the street from you, WHRB at Harvard is also running Rivendell on Ubuntu. They converted last year from (Windows-based) AudioVault, which their people found very hard to learn. They have 150+ student users and lots of turnover, so it's important that any system they use be easy to learn and use. They like Rivendell so much they've made at least one YouTube video about it:



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