On 10/4/2011 7:01 PM, Andy Sayler wrote:

> I think the bias toward Linux as being difficult
> to learn or hard to use is far greater than the actual experience proves
> to be.

As one who's had multiple trials with Linux from Suse to Mandrake to 
Redhat to Ubuntu I would disagree with that statement. There's not a 
chance in the world I would give a neo-phyte a Linux box and say "Here, 
you can do all these cool things with it." As a dedicated device running 
one program like RD, maybe. Never as a multi-function tool where they 
might need to figure out how to open a Word or Excel file, add software 
or change hardware. Ever.

It takes a SERIOUS amount of learning to manage a Linux environment. 
Engineers and dedicated IT people may have the time. Those who don't, 
and most of the world doesn't, they stick with Windows and Mac.


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