On Thursday 15 December 2011 05:11:35 am James Laurence wrote:
> Plus another share from the same Rivendell PC pops up in the WinXp workgroup, 
> but not the 'rdtransfer' one.

 The quick and dirty way to solve this would be to link your
 rdtransfer directory to something under one of the
 shares that does show up.

> But the sharing of that folder gave me problems, even when logged in as root.
>  Basically when I press the button saying 'Configure File Sharing', it greys
> out for 3 secs (as if it's doing something) but then comes back exactly as
> before and looks at me.  No further dialog whatsoever. 
> It would appear that it hasn't shared a thing because 'rdtransfer' doesn't
> appear under the workgroup in the WinXp machine.  So there's no folder to try
> to map in WinXp. 

 Press the button ?
 I've no idea what that might be, but at lower level....

 You should have a smb.conf in /etc/samba
 In that file, find a block for a share that *does* work.
 It should look something like...
        comment = SourceFiles
        path = /usr/src
        valid users = curt
        guest ok = Yes
        max connections = 2
        hide dot files = No
        fstype = ext3

 ( this is an example from one of my systems )

 Copy that block, then in the copy change only the relevant
 lines to be what you need them to be.
 You may have more or fewer lines.

 Now, restart samba ! ( smbd )
 You may also need to restart the name daemon separately
 depending on your OS. ( nmbd )
 Now, the share may still not appear. That's a windows-ism.
 Windows does not query the server to show the shares.
 It queries the windows master browser cache, which doesn't
 query the server except at log-on, or at a forced refresh.
 You can do a forced refresh by typing the url for the share
 in a windows explorer ( not the web browser ) path line, such as
 If that fails ( it also queries the master browser ) then you're
 left with the "start" "search" thingy in windows.
 That *does* query the target server, and *may* add the result
 to the master browser cache, or it may not, in which
 case the windows universal fix ( reboot ) might be your only
 option. It may take a while, as it also first queries the windows
 master browser cache before querying the target machine.
 Note that you MUST have restarted nmbd on the *nix machine
 before any of the convoluted windows stuff.



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