On Aug 30, 2012, at 22:31 57, Wayne Merricks wrote:

> You normally just get stupid problems like fonts wrapping because they are 
> different sizes on different systems and the like.

Sounds just like Qt.  :)

> I'd be all for converting to Java as I can write it while I sleep instead of 
> having to think about all this C stuff but I think I'm leaning towards the 
> fact that its a lot of work with not a great pay off.  I don't know a lot 
> about QT but I know that QT5 is going web orientated and QT is quite cross 
> platform once you set it up so it seems like the Java cross platform 
> advantages will disappear.

And that's pretty much my take as well.  I'm not "anti-Java", just cognizant of 
the fact that RD already implemented in a manner that allows for cross-platform 
development (as well as the purely selfish reason that I know C++ and Qt very 
well but have done little in Java beyond "Hello World").

> Finally I need to quickly defend Eclipse (Netbeans is OK but I found the auto 
> generated GUI code it produces to be a complete mess and it put me off using 
> the whole thing), I haven't found any IDE that comes close to it once you get 
> used to it, with the tool tip API lookups, auto completion and an awesome 
> debugger its pretty much Visual Studio but free (albeit without a gui 
> builder, which suits me).  Its a rude awakening going from that to gedit for 
> C++/QT stuff where the only way I know of debugging is to throw in lots of 
> console writes and keep compiling until the errors go away (I have the same 
> problems with PHP so its not just a C/QT thing).

IDEs are an intensely personal thing -- every coder has his own favorite.  This 
is one of the nice things about the way TrollTech has done Qt -- it's pretty 
much IDE agnostic.  I wish Apple would get that message -- iOS is a PITR for me 
to develop for because of all the XCode dependencies.


| Frederick F. Gleason, Jr. |               Chief Developer               |
|                           |               Paravel Systems               |
| "There are three principal ways to lose money: wine, women, and         |
| engineers.  While the first two are more pleasant, the third is by far  |
| the more certain."                                                      |
|                                 -- Baron Rothschild, ca. 1800           |

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