On Friday 24 January 2014 11:42:24 Wayne Merricks wrote:
> FYI, looks fine to me.  I use thunderbird and my phone.  I've known
> Outlook and the various iDevices to mangle things beyond recognition if
> thats what you're viewing it on.

I can confirm that it is messed up here reading with an old kmail.

> Regards,
> Wayne Merricks
> The Voice Asia
> On 24/01/14 16:06, Cowboy wrote:
> > On Friday 24 January 2014 11:03:06 am Cowboy wrote:
> >> On Friday 24 January 2014 10:30:17 am Fred Gleason wrote:> On Jan 24,
> >> 2014, at 08:47 23, Cowboy <c...@cwf1.com> wrote:> > > Who, in their
> >> right mind, would produce a piece of > > **professional** equipment that
> >> *deliberately* introduces> > harmonic distortion ?> > Because it sounds
> >> good! > > (“Good” being, in this context, a more-or-less completely
> >> subjective, ‘aesthetic’ judgement).
> >
> >   What, where, how, something is stripping out newlines.
> >
> >   I'll attempt a repost in a more readable fashion, if requested.
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