Although I don't use the ASI cards, or the Appliance (use the Tryphon builds 
instead), but can't you just use Jack Connection Kit to mono-up the stereo 
channels?  I do this all the time with my setup for remote broadcast "IFB" 
usage as well as for a low-bandwidth, low-delay "preview" stream we use for 
internal use.   Since Jack is all synchronized (one reason why it is so picky 
about things), it mixes things quite nicely by simply jacking multiple sources 
to one destination.

In fact Jack has worked so well for us, we have yet to actively use our 
Broadcast Tools 8x2 router for anything except the GPIO's (both in and out), 
and as a silence-sense device.  I only have our production room routed to it as 
an emergency source which has never been used (as we also have a backup 
Rivendell system - try that on SS32 without doubling your cost!).

Message: 1

Date: Sat, 1 Feb 2014 11:08:31 -0600

From: Brandon Sossamon 



Subject: Re: [RDD] Rivendell-dev Digest, Vol 10, Issue 1



Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

@Cowboy: Thanks for the tips!  That will come in handy!  With a name like 
Cowboy, there's only one way to take you! ;)

@Fred:  I rebuilt an old box that had SS32 on it.  All new guts but I kept the 
ASI6114!  That being said, I posed this question in an earlier email, I'm 
assuming Rivendell comes with the drivers for this card but does it also come 
with ASIControl?  The reason I ask is I am running my station mono and would 
like to run the card in mono mode instead of building a bunch of resistive 
networks to knock it down.  Also, I'm installing from the Appliance CD you gave 
me last JAN which is 1.0.0-x86_64.  After installing it on other machines, it 
looks like RD upgrades to v.2 with updates but keeps the KDE3 and CentOS 5.

I'm about to start the install now.

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