Thanks Todd, that did the trick!

Also, 15 minutes ago we went LIVE with Rivendell. And it already sounds a lot 
better than the old system. You can listen at if you like.

When we started months ago, I had absolutely no knowledge about Linux and 
Rivendell at all and I must say: I LOVE IT!!! It has cost us a lot of time, but 
we learned a lot! And are still learning.

And when the time is right, we will switch to our D&R Axum. By that time I’ll 
start asking questions about faderstarts and A & B channels. 😉

Cheers, Peter van Embden

Radio Capelle

The Netherlands.


Van: Todd Baker
Verzonden: ‎donderdag‎ ‎10‎ ‎april‎ ‎2014 ‎13‎:‎51
Aan: Peter van Embden

Dear Peter,

Check whether your database setting allows for Duplicate Cart Titles. It's a 
System setting. Start RDAdmin - click System Settings, and see if the check box 
Allow Duplicate Cart Titles is Checked.  If it isn't checked, then the system 
cannot create new carts with the same Title, so as a work around it starts 
adding a number to the Titles it gets that match (sounds like that's what your 
system is doing).

If you have it checked then it should not do that but allow the same titles to 
exist.  Be Advised, if checked it WILL NOT let there be the same Titles, so 
changing the setting (from ON - allow duplicates - to OFF No Duplicates 
allowed) can cause the naming of titles with numbers appended convention to 

I believe the system warns you if it recognizes Titles that match when you try 
to turn Duplicates Allowed Off, and if I recall gives you a chance to Fix them 

Todd Baker
Radio Free Asia, Washington D.C.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Peter van Embden" <>
Sent: Thursday, April 10, 2014 6:51:37 AM
Subject: [RDD] "Unique" cart title

Hello all, 

I'm working on the database of the station (in a few hours we will kill the 
virtual Windows machine running BSI Wavestation and switch entirely to 
Rivendell, including switches from non-stop to the different studio's), so I'm 
tagging the last songs songs. But some songs happen to have the same title, but 
different artist, i.e. It's My Life. Both Talk Talk and Dr. Alban have a song 
with that title, but because Dr. Alban was imported first, the cart of Talk 
Talk gets "It's My Life [1]". Is there a way to give both carts the same title? 
We're running Rivendell 2.6.0, by the way. 

Kind regards, 

Peter van Embden 
Radio Capelle 
The Netherlands 


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