On Fri, 2 May 2014, Rual Thompson wrote:

Totally wanted to reply to this, unless i miss my guess WO is formerly Scotts
Studios, a software i grew up on in radio

Scott Studios created the DOS Scott System and its successor, the Windows-based SS32. The company was sold to Demarc, which was bought by Google.

Google completely re-wrote the software, creating Google Radio Automation, which they sold to Wide Orbit. I don't believe the WO software has anything in common with the Scott SS32 other than still using the SCOT chunk for its audio file metadata.

be warned though rdimport will freeze the best of machines, I have been
waiting an hour to get 40 songs in the dropbox, and i still cant use the
desktop while its frozen

I have never experienced rdimport freezing a machine. In my experience, when a machine running Linux freezes, there is a low-level problem, typically related to hardware such as the video or sound card.

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